Sunday, March 18, 2007

Eric Neel is an Idiot!

In his article titled Mavs Just Can't Win My Love, he spewed his elitest, east coast media foulness, claiming there just isn't much to love about this season's hottest NBA team. Among other things, he writes:

The other day a friend said to me, "Hey, check out the Mavs," as if they were
underdogs on a little hot streak, as if they were a penny on the sidewalk or a
roadside attraction spotted through a car window, as if they weren't actually
running roughshod over the league night in and night out. We should be trained
on them, geeked, obsessed, awed, but we aren't. The Suns -- Steve's boys, the
fuel-injected fun ball gang, a brotherhood forged in dedication to a philosophy,
a dream -- are captivating. The Pistons -- a gangly, tough, scrap-heap
collective straight out of "Kelly's Heroes," a bunch, even with a title in the
bag, who are absolutely certain you don't believe in them -- inspire. The Mavs
don't compete historically and they don't compete now.
Don't compete? Give me a stinking break. They competed last year didn't they? Or was that Phoenix I saw in the Finals? They're competing this year, aren't they? Under the careful guidance of Avery Johnson, these Mavs compete every time they step on the court (unless it's against Nelly's Warriors Go figure.)

Neel accurately blames Cuban for the Mavs hating he and others like him throw out there. But then he mistakenly tosses Nowitzki - who ought to be this year's MVP, hands down - under the bus:

And even if I look past Cuban, all I see is Nowitzki. Which means all I see is
accurate, somewhat wooden jump shots and hard-to-guard head-fake finishes. The
guy is a superstar, probably the league MVP given what the team is doing. He
gets banged on nightly and he wears the mantle of being The Man with seeming
ease and determination. He's a fantastic player. I admire the hell out of him.
But he's also, I'm sorry, boring to watch. No signature move. No defining moment
(as of yet). No edge, no magic. Think of him next to the other top-tier players
in the league right now. Play word association. Nash is Miraculous, Wade is
Relentless, James is Terrifying, Arenas is Nutty and Garnett is Fierce. Nowitzki
is, I don't know, Proficient?

Boring? If this guy finds Nowitzki boring, he should have his license to watch, let alone comment on, the NBA revoked. No magic? No edge? Here's a guy who has elevated his game in every way over the past couple seasons. A seven-footer who rains threes and plays the post. He even plays defense, unlike everyone's darling, Steve Nash.

This guy has to just be going for shock value, right? He has to be shaking the tree to see how many Mavs fans fall out onto his boney head. Well, fall, people! Fall and claw.

Here is a link to the full article.

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